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Periodontal diseases is the dental diseases associated with the mouth infection. Basically gingivitis grow to form the periodontal disease. It infects the periodontal overcome this type of diseases, now a days periodontal chip are used. These are polymeric chips containing active pharmaceutical ingredient with base materials which protect the pocket from infection. Various kinds of periodontitis can be cured by the means of periodontal chip. Mainly tetracyclines are used as antimicrobial agent in chip with suitable excipients. Chip can be prepared by solvent casting method. Chip is mainly advantageous for those drugs whom systemic administration is not suitable. So by this way desired release of drug can gated with good acceptance from patient.


Gingivitis Mouth infection Gum diseases In vitro antibacterial activity Antiseptic chip Periodontal flap

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How to Cite
B, K., M , D., & P , P. V. (2015). PERIOCHIP : A REMEDY FOR PERIODONTAL DISEASES . International Research Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Sciences, 5(2), 8-14. Retrieved from