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Man has relied on plants to meet all of his requirements, including those for food, clothing, medicine, flavors and scents, and shelter. Plant materials often have positive therapeutic properties because of a mixture of secondary products.Medicine is derived from the plant in many parts of the world. Indigenous peoples still retain a significant quantity of conventionalinformation regarding the usage of many medicinal plant species that is passed down by words. Most of the allopathic medications currently in use are based on plant-based chemicals, and many others are synthetic counterparts developed from basic compounds identified from plant species. As sources of unique meals and treatments, plants continue to hold people's curiosity. Various tree species' fruit and leaves, both wild and cultivated, are crucial for reducing food insecurity and human health issues, particularly in poor countries. Almost all societies have employed medicinal plants as a source of medicine from the dawn of mankind. For more than half of the population, medicinal plant is suitable, inexpensive, and accessible sources of basic healthcare. The majority of people in developing nations live in rural areas that are regarded to be impoverished and rely on medicinal herbs. An important part of the nutritional makeup is provided by the medicinal plants themselves. It also has the ability to act as an antioxidant and an antibacterial agent in addition to these advantages. Due to factors like human encroachment, rising population, and others, these therapeutic plants are challenged. A large number of stalk holders contribute significantly to managing and conserving the therapeutic plants through various means.


Medicinal Plants Local Plants Therapeutic Uses Management

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How to Cite
Meenakshisundaram K S. (2023). Management and Application of Medicinal Plants in my Local Community. International Research Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Sciences, 13(1), 12-17.